windshield Washer De-Icer

In the vast array of windshield washer fluids available, making the right choice is essential to ensure optimal performance, especially in varying climates.

Since there are so many varieties of windshield washer fluid, you may be wondering “What’s the difference?” Understanding the nuances between summer and winter formulas can make a significant difference in maintaining a clear and frost-free windshield.

The Impact of Temperature on Washer Fluids

The summer formula is great for a warm climate to clear your windshield of bugs and dust.  But when the weather turns cold and the temperatures fall below freezing take note that this formula contains no methyl alcohol and it will freeze and crack your reservoir. 

You won’t want to be stuck with a frozen block of ice under your hood when the temperature drops. 

It’s time to switch to a winter formula to clear the frost from your windshield.

Choosing the Right Winter Formula

Shopping for an adequate formula depends on your local climate.  You’ll notice the jugs of fluid are marked with a temperature rating, for example, “good up to 20 degrees Fahrenheit” (minus 6 Celsius.) 

Think of the coldest day of the year and buy the jug that displays at least that temperature. 

Understanding Temperature Ratings

You may wonder if there’s really much difference between minus 35 C and minus 45 C rating when it comes to the best de-icing windshield washer fluid.  The clear answer is yes. If it says good to minus 35 then minus 35 is the freezing point of the jug of deicing fluid. If you’re in a climate that experiences drastic cold weather and it can get to be 40 below then definitely spend a few extra dollars and get the higher rating of minus 45 or minus 49.

Proper Application for Effective De-icing

Before spraying your windshield, sweep off all the snow from your windows and scrape with an ice scraper. Be sure that your windshield wipers are not stuck to the windshield and are clean of chunks of ice. Let your car engine warm up a little. Wait until there is some warm air blowing on the inside of your windshield.  The first press of a button for the windshield washer fluid to spray will cause your wipers to go on. You may find that the fluid has spread thinly across the windshield and caused it to frost over again. It is still not safe to drive!  Wait until the interior of the car is warmed up and all your windows are cleared with the deicer. 

Patience – be safe.

Additional Tips – Spray Bottle De-icer

Spray Bottle De-icer
Spray Bottle De-icer

One more tip – I fill a spray bottle full of the deicing fluid and spray the side windows. This is sometimes easier and quicker than scraping them all with an ice scraper. 

Year-Round Use of Winter Formula

I suggest you just use winter formula all year long, no harm in doing that, and you’ll never be surprised with frozen fluid lines and a cracked reservoir tank. 

Importance of Patience in Defrosting

Again, please be patient. Plan ahead. Defrosting your windshield is going to take a few minutes.  It’s so important to see clearly and drive safely.

Be safe! 

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