Septic sewage lagoon

Is your sewage lagoon causing concern? Uncertain about the efficiency of your septic system? Decode the health and performance of your residential sewage lagoon through its color.

The Ideal Colors for Sewage Lagoon Water

A thriving residential wastewater lagoon should exhibit a clear sparkling green, blue, or brown color.

  • Dark Sparkling Green: The pinnacle of health, indicating optimal dissolved oxygen and pH levels.
  • Sunlight Exposure: Crucial for algae growth, sunlight contributes to the photosynthesis process, generating oxygen crucial for bacteria to break down sludge in wastewater.
  • Firm Blue-Green Color: A sign of increased algae growth, potentially hindering oxygen levels in deeper lagoon areas. In summer, watch out for Duckweed’s green leafy covering, mirroring the effects of excessive algae growth.

Deciphering Color Changes

Different colors in your lagoon signal various water quality conditions:

  • Dull Green to Yellow: Suboptimal, suggesting poor pH levels.
  • Tan to Brown: Indicates erosion or surface water inflow. Algae in brown shades are acceptable.
  • Gray to Black: Alarming, indicating anaerobic, septic conditions with excessive sludge.

Lagoons in Low Population Density Areas

In regions with low population density, lagoons prove to be a cost-effective solution, requiring minimal construction and operational costs.

Challenges of Overloaded Lagoons

Changes in climate, increased household occupancy, and potent cleaning products can overload lagoons, leading to:

  • Excessive Sludge Production: Resulting in odors due to slow, anaerobic processes.
  • Foam Buildup: White foams indicate detergent presence, while dark foam results from an incorrect F/M ratio.

Corrective Measures for Overloaded Lagoons

Indicators of overloaded lagoons coincide with altered dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH levels. Increased aeration often resolves overloaded lagoons, but fixed systems are challenging to install, and bypasses are costly.

The Remedy: Green Gobbler Septic Saver

Address the issues of a smelly, sludgy brown lagoon with our revolutionary product designed to boost oxygen and pH levels.

Never Have Septic Problems Again! Protect your septic tank or sewage lagoon with Green Gobbler Septic Saver. Utilizing potent bacteria and digestive enzymes, Septic Saver neutralizes detergent and bleach effects, digesting grease, fats, oils, paper, and organic matter to maintain a clear sewer line and septic tank.

Prevent Costly Septic Backup and Repairs. Green Gobbler Septic Saver digests clog-producing materials, preventing septic tank overflow and potential property damage. Save thousands on septic tank repairs by choosing Septic Saver!

Reduce Septic Odors. Combat toxic odors with Septic Saver’s powerful enzymes, breaking down organic matter inside your main sewer line to keep unpleasant smells at bay.

Contains 6 Months of Treatment. Each Septic Saver bag includes 6 water-soluble packs. Monthly drop and flush one pack into your bathroom toilet for hassle-free preventive septic tank maintenance.

Green Gobbler Septic Tank Treatment

Prevent septic nightmares! Green Gobbler Septic Saver, armed with powerful enzymes, safeguards your tank, prevents backups, and reduces odors. 6 months of treatment in one pack!

Related article: What is safe to flush on a residential sewage lagoon?

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